Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Even More Figures...

Last week of classes and it's almost over and summer will be here. So before that I am going to post even more figures because I've been burning through them like no ones business. 

20 - 30 min figures (Cool Grayscale Markers)

3 hour figure (Oil Paintings)

30 sec to 1 min gestures (Cool Grayscale Markers)

20 min (Pastels) 

Still trying to understand pastels but that al I have for now! Cheers!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Flurry of Figures

I think I've found my preferred medium when it comes to figure drawing. Markers, grayscale markers. Using just feels wonderful because every line, big or small, stays permanent on that page. It really slows me down and take time to put where lines and think about the figure.

40 minutes

30 Minutes

20 minutes

2 - 5 minutes

Also not just great for long poses put perfect for short poses such as 30 sec to 1 min poses just throwing the marks on there quickly is great for capturing the poses and their energy.